Rules (Level 2)
RapidBaseball Level 2 is played for 4 innings (2 Hour Block)
Click here to view required gear.
Ages: 7-8+
4 innings will be played using RapidBaseball format and rules.
Home Team will always bat regardless of score.
Please reference RapidBaseball Coaches Game Guide © for required machine distance and speed settings.
Each team gets 10 minutes to bat.
Each inning is approximately 20 minutes.
10-minute timer starts for team batting at first pitch of half inning.
3 pitches maximum per batter. Batter can continue to foul off 3rd strike.
Bases are quickly cleared after defense records 3 outs. Offense continues to bat until 10 minutes is up.
A half inning is not complete until 10 minutes is up.
Defense plays with all 9 players. Defensive player playing “pitcher” will stand on Right/Left side of pitching mound rubber at 46’, depending on Right/Left-handed batter.
All players throughout the game will work towards a 25 pitch RapidBaseball “bullpen”. This is mandatory. This will occur for players as they take a defensive inning off.
2 Players shall be throwing simultaneously at the RapidBaseball 9-Pocket target. 2x portable pitching mounds and 2x 9-pocket targets are required for RapidBaseball.
A coach shall monitor and guide pitchers through their session.
Bullpen location shall be safely off to the side of the field or in an outfield location that shall not interfere with gameplay.
Given the frequency of balls being put in play, stealing is prohibited in RapidBaseball.
A field umpire is required.
RapidBaseball Level 2 is a competitive format of baseball. Scorekeeping is encouraged.
Rules (Level 1)
RapidBaseball Level 1 is played for 3 innings (1 hour 30 minute Block)
Click here to view required gear.
Ages: 6-7
3 innings will be played using RapidBaseball format and rules.
Please reference RapidBaseball Coaches Game Guide © for required machine distance and speed settings.
Each team gets 10 minutes to bat.
Each inning is approximately 20 minutes. (10 minute half innings)
10-minute timer starts for team batting at first pitch of half inning.
5 pitches maximum per batter. Batter can continue to foul off final strike.
At Level 1, a ball is always put in play. In the event a batter doesn’t successfully put a ball into play after 5 pitches, a coach near home plate puts a ball into play. Batter will run out the play.
This method of play is common in MLB Spring Training scrimmages. More balls in play equals more fun and more development. -
Bases are quickly cleared after defense records 3 outs. Offense continues to bat until 10 minutes is up.
A half inning is not complete until 10 minutes is up.
In Level 1, the defense plays with 8 players. All positions, with the exception of a catcher.
Typically “coach pitch” or 6-7 yo divisions there isn’t a catcher positioned. The RapidBaeball catcher net is used in Level 1.
Defensive player playing “pitcher” will stand on Right/Left side of pitching mound rubber at 46’, depending on Right/Left-handed batter.
Stealing is not permitted in Level 1.
All players throughout the game will work towards a 25 pitch RapidBaseball “bullpen”. This is mandatory. This will occur for players as they take a defensive inning off.
2 Players shall be throwing simultaneously at the RapidBaseball 9-Pocket target. 2x portable pitching mounds and 2x 9-pocket targets are required for RapidBaseball.
A coach shall monitor and guide pitchers through their session.
Bullpen location shall be safely off to the side of the field or in an outfield location that shall not interfere with gameplay.
Field umpire is recommended, but not required for Level 1 RapidBaseball.
There shall be no score kept for Level 1 RapidBaseball.